If you had a positive home pregnancy test or are experiencing symptoms of pregnancy, you may be asking, “Am I pregnant?” Pregnancy Decision Line can answer your questions about common signs of pregnancy, help you explore your pregnancy options, and refer you to a free pregnancy center near you.
am i pregnant?
Wondering if you’re just a little late? Do any of these sound familiar?
I’ve missed a period
I feel like throwing up sometimes
I have to use the bathroom more often
My breasts feel tender
I’m more tired than usual
I’m having mood swings
Although not everyone experiences these signs, the symptoms above are commonly associated with early pregnancy. 1 Most pregnancy tests you can buy are very reliable, but they are not 100% accurate. Only a physician or other appropriate healthcare professional can confirm that you are pregnant. Take our online pregnancy quiz to find out if it’s time to take a pregnancy test.
1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010, September 27). Stages of pregnancy | womenshealth.gov.
have questions? get answers.
what’s next?
Your local pregnancy center provides reliable pregnancy tests at no cost to you. Many pregnancy centers also offer medical services and ultrasound exams to confirm your pregnancy. Pregnancy Decision Line can refer you to the nearest pregnancy center, and we can answer your questions about common pregnancy signs and symptoms. Give us a free and confidential call 866-406-9327.

“The woman I spoke to listened to me. You could tell in her voice she truly cared about what I was going through and didn’t push me to make a decision.”